martes, 6 de agosto de 2013

The worst situation to be an alcoholic

When you start drinking before age 18 increases 5 times the probability of generating an addiction.
Teenagers are at greater risk than adults to develop diseases.
Teens who abuse alcohol are four times more vulnerable to severe depression than those who do not have an alcohol problem.
It has been shown that drinking while pregnant causes damage to the unborn baby and can lead to prolonged medical problems in the child after birth.
The complications that are observed on the baby may include:
          -       Cerebral Palsy
          -       Premature birth
          -       Spontaneous abortion or infant death

How to help an alcoholic?

The first step for the alcoholic is to admit that there is an alcohol dependency problem. The next step is to get help. In most of the world there are several support groups and professional services available. Alcoholism is a treatable disease. Treatment often begins with detoxification, the process of safely getting all the alcohol out of a person's body. Once detoxification is complete, some people take medications to help prevent a return to drinking. 

Also, various kinds of therapy are used to treat alcoholism. Therapy can help people identify the feelings and situations that trigger their drinking. Therapy can be provided individually or in a group, and it can take place in a mental health center or a hospital. Social skills training teaches people to handle social situations better. Behavioral therapy helps people learn to control harmful behavior and the impulse to drink. 

How to avoid alcoholism

If you want to avoid alcoholism there are some advices that can help you: 
1- Avoid drinking alcohol whenever possible.
2- Make sure you know your family history. A family history of alcoholism will make you more susceptible to becoming an alcoholic.
3- Do not drink to self-medicate. If you are feeling depressed, it is particularly important that you avoid alcohol consumption. Alcohol is a depressant and it will only depress you more.
4- Never binge drink. Do not engage in beer drinking contests or any activity that involves chugging excessive amounts of alcohol in a short period of time.
5- If you do choose consume alcohol, always sip your sip beverage. Do not drink too fast.
6- Recognize the early warning signs of alcoholism. Some of the signs are alcohol cravings, irritability, mood swings, drinking alone and/or in secret, chugging drinks, depression, shakiness, etc.

7- Do not get drunk.

Problems caused by alcoholism

Eventually, regular heavy drinking may cause at least one of the following problems:
Memory loss 
Liver diseases 
Gastrointestinal complications 
Heart problems 
Thinning bones
Nervous system problems
Accidents like falls or car crashes
Domestic abuse

Mental illness

How notice who is an alcoholic?

Typically, the last person to be aware that he/she has a serious drinking problem is the alcoholic himself/herself - they are in denial. Some signs and symptoms of alcoholism include:
Drinking alone and in secret.
Not being able to limit how much alcohol is consumed.

Not being able to remember chunks of time.
Having rituals and being irritated when these rituals are disturbed or commented on.

Dropping hobbies and activities the person used to enjoy; losing interest in them.
Feeling an urge to drink.
Having stashes of alcohol in unlikely places.
Having relationship, work or money problems or problems with the law.

Requiring a larger quantity of alcohol to feel its effect.

Nausea, sweating, or even shaking when not drinking.


Alcoholism is a disease characterized by the habitual intake of alcohol. Alcoholism produces both physical and psychological addiction. Alcohol is a central nervous system depressant that reduces anxiety, inhibition, and feelings of guilt. It lowers alertness and impairs perception, judgment, and motor coordination. In high doses, it can cause loss of consciousness and even death. Alcoholism is a disease that damages the brain, liver, heart, and other organs.